One or more tiles appeared to be cracked. A qualified contractor should evaluate, then repair or replace as advised prior to the inspection objection deadline.
The driveway showed signs of heaving and/or settling in areas. Heaving is often caused by soil that has expanded in volume due to increased moisture content, or by wet soil which has expanded as it became frozen. Settlement is when the soil below a concrete slab is loose, or it can no longer support the weight causing it to sink or crack. This condition could potentially cause a trip hazard.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
A walkway was not properly sealed against a foundation wall and may allow excess moisture to enter. Recommend a qualified contractor and repair or replace as needed.
The outside water faucet had a significant leak from the knob/handle when the water pressure gauge was attached. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
Downspouts were damaged in areas of the property. This condition may cause problems by introducing excessive amounts of moisture to the soil beneath the foundation. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
The walls/ceilings revealed a mismatch in paint touch-up. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The door had a damaged or missing doorstop. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The spring rail assembly is damaged or not secured to the window sash. This may cause the sash to fail to stay open if not corrected. Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
A window had a sash that was difficult to slide or operate to get opened/closed. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The window had peeling paint. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The window had springs that were weak and the window would not stay up without a prop. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The light fixture did not operate when the switch was turned on. Try replacing the bulb first. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The light fixture did not operate when the switch was turned on. Try replacing the bulb first. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
An outlet did not provide Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection. Although GFCI protection of circuits may not have been required at the time in which this home was built, safe building practices have improved with the passage of time and building standards have changed to reflect current understanding. The inspector recommends updating the existing electrical circuits to include GFCI protection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The toilet was loose at the tank-to-toilet connection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The property water supply pressure is measured at the exterior faucet or laundry appliance hose bib. Property water supply pressure exceeded the 80 pounds per square inch (PSI) limit considered the maximum allowable by generally accepted current standards. Excessively high water pressure can stress connections in the plumbing system and appliances are likely to cause leaks.
A qualified contractor should install a pressure regulator or evaluate and repair or replace one as necessary.
The circuit labels were missing, partial, or illegible at the electrical distribution panel. The circuit labels provide information describing the locations each individual circuit breaker provides power to.
Recommend a qualified contractor to verify the breakers and accuracy of any existing labeling as necessary.
The water temperature was higher than the acceptable range of 120-130 degrees. We recommend adjusting the water heater thermostat.
The secondary drain line was capped, missing or not routed to a drain. If the primary drain line becomes blocked, this condition could cause condensation to not drain properly and possibly damage the unit. The inspector recommends installing a secondary drain or installing an overflow protection device. A qualified contractor should evaluate and then repair or replace as advised.
The HVAC system air filter was missing. This condition reflects a lack of regular maintenance of the HVAC system. Clogged filters can restrict air flow and increase internal temperatures. A clean air filter will help increase the efficiency and prolong the life expectancy of the heating and cooling system. Due to the damage that can be caused by dirty or clogged coils, recommend replacing the filter, as well as cleaning, servicing, and evaluating the HVAC system by a qualified HVAC professional and repair or replace as necessary.
Due to the year of manufacture, the cooling system is assumed to be near the end of its expected service life. Regular maintenance and monitoring of its condition are recommended. Budgeting for repairs and future replacement is recommended. A qualified contractor should evaluate to clean, service/repair/replace as necessary, and certify the unit if possible. InterNACHI’s Standard Estimated Life Expectancy Chart for Homes
The exterior compressor unit was not level. Over time, this may result in noisy fan operation, damage to the fan bearings and a shortened fan lifespan, or it may result in movement of the compressor housing which can cause leaks in refrigerant lines resulting in expensive service. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
There was damage to the air-conditioner condenser coil fins. This limits the ability to dissipate heat. Further damage to the coil fins should be avoided in order to maintain cooling system efficiency and avoid problems from overheating of the compressor. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
17.3.3 – AC Compressor
Surface and/or interior components of the AC condenser showed rust in areas. Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate, service, and repair or replace as necessary.
A hump was found on the basement floor. Cannot see due to laminate flooring. Recommend a qualified contractor for reevaluation or repair as necessary.