One or more tiles appeared to be cracked. A qualified contractor should evaluate, then repair or replace as advised prior to the inspection objection deadline.

The driveway showed signs of heaving and/or settling in areas. Heaving is often caused by soil that has expanded in volume due to increased moisture content, or by wet soil which has expanded as it became frozen. Settlement is when the soil below a concrete slab is loose, or it can no longer support the weight causing it to sink or crack. This condition could potentially cause a trip hazard.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

The distance between the bottom of wood components and the ground surface (or grade) was not sufficient. In locations that have little or no snow, the distance should be no less than 8 inches. In locations with significant lasting snow, the bottom of wood elements should be no less than 8 inches above the average snow depth.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Gaps at intersections of the siding, trim, and door and window openings, as well as any other holes in the siding, should be sealed with an appropriate sealant to prevent water penetration into the wall system. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

- This causes cracks in the concrete.
- This creates trip hazards that could result in injury.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

The tree limbs that are in contact with the roof or hanging near the roof should be trimmed. Evaluating trees lies beyond the scope of the general property inspection.
Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Downspout(s) need to have extensions reconnected. This condition may cause problems by introducing excessive amounts of moisture to the soil beneath the foundation. Excessive moisture in soil supporting the foundation can affect its ability to support the weight of the structure above and may cause foundation damage from soil movement. When moisture is introduced to the foundation it could also cause possible mold growth. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

1. Replacing the current standard outlets with GFCI outlets.
2. Replacing the first circuit outlet located closest to the main electrical service panel with the GFCI outlet
3. Replacing the breaker currently protecting the electrical circuit that contains these outlets with the GFCI breaker.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

An electrical outlet was not grounded. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Axium recommends our premier partner – Level Engineering. They can be contacted at 720-706-8540 or online at www.axiuminspections.com/structural-engineer.