The inspector observed stains on the shingles in areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate, then repair or replace as advised prior to the inspection objection deadline.

The inspector observed exposed nails on the roof covering. This condition could allow moisture to penetrate the roof component. A qualified contractor should evaluate, then repair or replace as advised prior to the inspection objection deadline.

The roof covering material had minor damage or erosion in areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate, then repair or replace as advised prior to the inspection objection deadline.

The inspector observed signs of repair at the time of inspection. A qualified contractor should evaluate, then repair or replace as advised prior to the inspection objection deadline.

Gutters were full of debris or granules in areas and need to be cleaned. The debris in gutters can clog drainage, or be a sign gutters are sloped improperly – Either of which may cause problems by overflowing to introduce excessive amounts of moisture to the soil beneath the foundation. Excessive moisture in soil supporting the foundation can affect its ability to support the weight of the structure above and may cause foundation damage from soil movement.
Debris in gutters can also conceal rust, deterioration or leaks that are not visible until cleaned.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

The insulation is not wide enough to reach each side of joist (due to joist spacing).
Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.

The insulation is not uniform: thicker in areas, thinner in areas, or possibly missing in some areas.
Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.

The insulation is thinner than current thermal resistance (R-value) standards.
Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.

The exterior of garage door has one or more damaged panels. A qualified contractor should inspect and repair as necessary and according to current standards.

The distance between the bottom of wood components and the ground surface (or grade) was not sufficient. In locations that have little or no snow, the distance should be no less than 8 inches. In locations with significant lasting snow, the bottom of wood elements should be no less than 8 inches above the average snow depth.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

The siding and/or trim in areas was missing paint.
Recommend a qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as needed.

Gaps at intersections of the siding, trim, and door and window openings, as well as any other holes in the siding, should be sealed with an appropriate sealant to prevent water penetration into the wall system. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

There were signs of previously repaired damage. Recommend inquiring with current homeowners for any further information. Should repairs be significant or failing, we recommend a qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as needed.

Hardware was missing at an exterior entry door.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Window Well(s) lacked covers and may represent a danger to small children and may trap pests. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Minor cracking was visible on the walkway(s) in areas. Monitoring is the minimum recommendation. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

The walkway(s) showed signs of heaving and/or settling in areas. Heaving is often caused by soil that has expanded in volume due to increased moisture content, or by wet soil which has expanded as it became frozen. Settlement is when the soil below a concrete slab is loose or it can no longer support the weight causing it to sink or crack.
- This causes cracks in the concrete.
- This creates trip hazards that could result in injury.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

A walkway was not properly sealed against a foundation wall and may allow excess moisture to enter. Recommend a qualified contractor and repair or replace as needed.

The walkway(s) had surface spalling in areas. This condition will continue to degrade if not corrected. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Large trees near the house have branches which overhang the property. Falling branches due to conditions such as wood decay, high winds or heavy snow loads may cause injury, death or damage. Significant weakening of large branches by conditions such as core decay may not be visible by persons without special training. Consider having these trees evaluated by a qualified arborist. Evaluating trees lies beyond the scope of the general property inspection.
Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The exterior foundation wall had cracks at the corner. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. Axium recommends our premier partner – Level Engineering. They can be contacted at 720-706-8540 or online at www.axiuminspections.com/structural-engineer.

One or more down spout extensions were too short. Recommend installing 6-8ft long (or greater as needed) extensions to divert rainwater runoff away from the property.

Downspout(s) need reconnecting to existing drain line. This condition may cause problems by introducing excessive amounts of moisture to the soil beneath the foundation. Excessive moisture in soil supporting the foundation can affect its ability to support the weight of the structure above and may cause foundation damage from soil movement. When moisture is introduced to the foundation it could also cause possible mold growth. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Walls and/or ceilings had signs of repairs at the time of inspection. Recommend asking current home owners for more information. Should repairs appear to be poorly done, we recommend having a qualified contractor evaluate further for any further repairs.

The photo-electric reverse sensors are installed too high from the garage floor surface.
The vertical distance between the photo-eye beam and the floor should be no more than 6 inches.

A light bulb did not respond to controls in the garage.
Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.

The floor had a noticeable hump or rise. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
The door had a damaged or missing doorstop. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The Barn door had a door stop that need to be repositioned. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The door had missing or damaged floor guides. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The door did not operate smoothly. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

At the interior stairs, the handrail hand horizontal railings. This creates a climbing risk for children. A fall or injury could occur if not corrected. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The laundry room did not have an exhaust fan or an openable window. A qualified contractor should evaluate, then repair or replace as advised.

The door had a damaged or missing doorstop. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The toilet was caulked all-around at the time of inspection. Caulking around a toilet should leave about a one-inch gap in the caulk at the back of the toilet. The gap is to allow water to escape out in the event of a leak, otherwise, a leak may create damage as it’s not able to be discovered as quickly. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.

The door had a damaged or missing doorstop. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The counter top needs caulking with silicone along the back splash. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The sink drain stop was missing, damaged or did not operate properly. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The toilet was caulked all-around at the time of inspection. Caulking around a toilet should leave about a one-inch gap in the caulk at the back of the toilet. The gap is to allow water to escape out in the event of a leak, otherwise, a leak may create damage as it’s not able to be discovered as quickly. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.

Tiles on the wall in the bath/shower area had missing or damaged grout. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The toilet was caulked all-around at the time of inspection. Caulking around a toilet should leave about a one-inch gap in the caulk at the back of the toilet. The gap is to allow water to escape out in the event of a leak, otherwise, a leak may create damage as it’s not able to be discovered as quickly. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.

The counter top needs caulking with silicone along the back splash. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The toilet was caulked all-around at the time of inspection. Caulking around a toilet should leave about a one-inch gap in the caulk at the back of the toilet. The gap is to allow water to escape out in the event of a leak, otherwise, a leak may create damage as it’s not able to be discovered as quickly. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
Suspect plumbing drain lines in crawl space. Recommend evaluation by licensed plumber or contractor.

The HVAC system air filter was dirty. Clogged filters can restrict airflow and increase internal temperatures. A clean air filter will help increase the efficiency and prolong the life expectancy of the system. Due to the damage that can be caused by dirty or clogged coils, recommend replacing the filter, as well as cleaning, servicing, and evaluating the HVAC system by a qualified HVAC professional and repair or replace as necessary.

The blower motor and/or wheel appeared to be dirty at the time of inspection. Blower fan motors and fan wheels are subjected to constant dirt, dust, and lint and can become overly dirty when not cleaned on a regular basis and even faster if the air filters are not changed regularly.
A qualified contractor should evaluate, clean, and service as necessary, and certify the unit is in good working order.

The air-conditioner refrigerant suction line (large, insulated) has damaged or missing insulation in areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair/replace as necessary.

The exterior compressor unit was not level. Over time, this may result in noisy fan operation, damage to the fan bearings and a shortened fan lifespan, or it may result in movement of the compressor housing which can cause leaks in refrigerant lines resulting in expensive service. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Due to the current conditions at the time of inspection, the air conditioner is recommended to be cleaned, evaluated, and serviced by a qualified contractor. Consult with your real estate agent for your available options prior to closing.

No soil cover was installed at the time of the inspection. Soil covers help reduce humidity levels in crawlspaces by limiting moisture evaporation into the air from soil. Reducing humidity levels can help reduce the chances for mold growth and deterioration of structural components. A qualified contractor should evaluate and install a soil cover as necessary.
There is no insulation on the crawlspace exterior walls or floor system. Heat loss can occur more on this property than one that is properly insulated. A qualified contractor should evaluate and install as necessary.