One or more combustion appliance exhaust flue(s) did not extend far enough above the roof. To ensure proper draw, furnace flues should extend at least 3 feet above the roof, and 2 feet above any portion of the roof within 10 feet (measured horizontally). The correction could include the addition of a flue extension to encourage a proper draft. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair/replace as necessary.

The insulation is thinner than current thermal resistance (R-value) standards.
Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as needed.

Gaps at intersections of the siding, trim, and door and window openings, as well as any other holes in the siding, should be sealed with an appropriate sealant to prevent water penetration into the wall system. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

A common maintenance task for brick masonry is the repair of mortar joints. The longevity of mortar joints will vary with the exposure conditions and the mortar materials used, but a life span of more than 25 years is typical. The longevity of brick, however, may well exceed 100 years. Consequently, occasional repair of the mortar joints is expected over the life of the brick masonry. It is our observation that the most common reason for repointing brick masonry is to improve water penetration resistance. Repointing deteriorated mortar joints is one of the most effective and permanent ways of decreasing water entry into brickwork. This is because the most common means of water entry into a brick masonry wall is through de-bonded, cracked, or deteriorated mortar joints. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair all areas as necessary.

Window Well(s) lacked covers and may represent a danger to small children and may trap pests. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Minor cracking was visible on the walkway(s) in areas. Monitoring is the minimum recommendation. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

The walkway(s) showed signs of heaving and/or settling in areas. Heaving is often caused by soil that has expanded in volume due to increased moisture content, or by wet soil which has expanded as it became frozen. Settlement is when the soil below a concrete slab is loose or it can no longer support the weight causing it to sink or crack.
- This causes cracks in the concrete.
- This creates trip hazards that could result in injury.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Vegetation growing on siding should be removed and kept away from eaves, woodwork, doors, chimneys, or other building components. They hold moisture against the wall, hide rot and other problems, and are conducive conditions for termites, carpenter ants, etc. The growth does not allow full inspection of the siding and can hide potential defects underneath.
Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The visible concrete foundation wall surface had minor damage and cracking in areas. Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
One or more downspout extensions were not properly positioned. Extensions should be properly attached with a proper slope to guide run-off 5 feet away from the foundation structure.
Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Downspout extensions were dented or damaged in some areas at the time of inspection. This condition can cause a blockage and potential build-up of moisture intrusion into the soil next to the foundation walls. This in turn can potentially cause hydro-static pressure against the foundation walls and create adverse results. Recommend further evaluation by a qualified contractor to repair or replace.

An entry door to the interior of the house, from the garage, was damaged at the top. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The inspector was unable to verify that the door was fire rated. This may be considered a fire safety hazard. The door between the garage and the house should be a solid wood door at least 1-3/8 inches thick, a solid or honeycomb-core steel door at least 1-3/8 inches thick, or a 20-minute fire-rated door. This means that should a fire occur in the garage, the occupant door does not afford protection until firemen arrive. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The door between the garage and the living space failed to close by itself. Modern safety requirements require that the door between the home interior and the garage be self-closing for safety reasons related to fire hazards and toxic fumes. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

An opening was in the drywall or gypsum board of the garage. The wall was damaged. The wall to separate the garage and living areas, including an attic wall, should be fire-rated. This wall must be covered with at least 1/2-inch thick (and preferably 5/8-inch thick Type X) gypsum board or equivalent applied to the garage side.
Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair and seal all openings as necessary.

The concrete floor in the garage was cracked. Due to expansive soils, minor cracks are to be expected in the slabs or control joints. Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
One or more electrical outlets were not grounded. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

At the interior stairs, the handrail had a railing end that did not return to the wall or post. A fall could occur if something (purse, backpack, etc.) caught the end of the railing when descending. A fall or injury could occur if not corrected. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

At the interior stairs, the handrail had spacing between components that were too far apart. Spacing of more than 4 ” could allow a child or pet to fall through. A fall or injury could occur if not corrected. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The smoke detector was missing. A qualified person should replace them as needed. The existing smoke detectors were tested if present, but they are only noted as to presence and operation as of the date of inspection. Smoke detectors may work today but not work when you need them to work. This is why it is important for you to test them on a regular basis, monthly at least. Smoke detectors are recommended by the U.S. Product Safety Commission to be installed inside each bedroom and adjoining hallway and on each living level of the property and basement level.

Ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) Protection was not provided for all kitchen electrical outlets. Although GFCI protection of kitchen outlets may not have been required at the time in which this property was built, as general knowledge of say fielding practices has improved with the passage of time building standards have changed to reflect current understanding. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

An outlet did not provide Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection. Although GFCI protection of circuits may not have been required at the time in which this home was built, safe building practices have improved with the passage of time and building standards have changed to reflect current understanding. The inspector recommends updating the existing electrical circuits to include GFCI protection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The supply register cover was missing. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The bathroom exhaust fan was slow to work when turned on. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The hot water in the shower did not get over 100 degrees whereas the nearby faucets did. This may indicate that either the mixing valve (safety feature to limit potential scalding) or control cartridge needs adjustment to achieve a hot shower. There may be a more significant issue, that only further evaluation can reveal.
The hot and cold supply was installed correctly and the property’s overall hot water temperature was within an acceptable range.
Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The electric meter security tag was missing or damaged. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The circuit labels were missing, partial, or illegible at the electrical distribution panel. The circuit labels provide information describing the locations each individual circuit breaker provides power to.
Recommend a qualified contractor to verify the breakers and accuracy of any existing labeling as necessary.
The water heater was at or beyond its warranty and/or expected life expectancy.
The water heater age was determined by the photo included in this report. According to the U.S. Department of energy, these major appliances are intended to run for between 8 and 12 years. Be advised that every water heater will age differently relative to the following life span factors: water quality, mineral buildup, frequency of flushing, the volume of water utilized, size of the tank, brand, and quality of water heater. Although it was operating at the time of the inspection, the inspector can not determine the remaining life of the water heater.

The gas-fired water heater exhaust flue had an improper connection to the furnace. This Y-Vent connection should have a double wall and it appeared to not have the proper connection. This could be a safety hazard. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
The combustion air supply for this appliance was not present. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make necessary corrections according to current standards.
The fresh air supply is recommended by manufacturers for the efficient operation of fuel-burning appliances. Years ago, the air could come from inside or outside the building, however, more recent standards prefer for combustion air to come from the outside only.

An improper material was used for the TPR pipe. The pipe should be a heat-rated material. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The TPR valve at the water heating equipment was leaking. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The TPRV pipe did not conspicuously terminate within 6 inches of the floor. This may allow high-pressure hot water to cause unnecessary damage. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The water heating equipment was leaking at the TPR valve at the time of inspection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The water temperature was higher than the acceptable range of 120-130 degrees. We recommend adjusting the water heater thermostat.
Due to the year of manufacture, the heating system is assumed to be near the end of its expected service life. Regular maintenance and monitoring of its condition are recommended. Budgeting for repairs and future replacement is recommended. A qualified contractor should evaluate to clean, service/repair/replace as necessary, and certify the unit if possible. InterNACHI’s Standard Estimated Life Expectancy Chart for Homes

There was a hole in the exhaust flue that was filled with a bolt. This is improper. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The combustion air supply for this appliance was not present. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make necessary corrections according to current standards.
The fresh air supply is recommended by manufacturers for the efficient operation of fuel-burning appliances. Years ago, the air could come from inside or outside the building, however, more recent standards prefer for combustion air to come from the outside only.

The shut-off switch faceplate was missing at the time of inspection. Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as needed.

The ductwork was damaged. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The HVAC system air filter was very dirty or clogged. This condition reflects a lack of regular maintenance of the HVAC system. Clogged filters can restrict airflow and increase internal temperatures. A clean air filter will help increase the efficiency and prolong the life expectancy of the heating and cooling system. Due to the damage that can be caused by dirty or clogged coils, recommend replacing the filter, as well as cleaning, servicing, and evaluating the HVAC system by a qualified HVAC professional and repair or replace as necessary.

The heating system did fire and appeared to be in a serviceable condition at the time of the inspection. However, the interior of the cabinet was dirty. Cleaning, servicing, and/or certification of the HVAC system by a qualified contractor is recommended and repaired or replaced as necessary.

The reservoir appears to be corroded or rusted in areas. Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

The evaporative cooler was missing a drain line. This may cause accelerated wear to the nearby roofing components. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and add a proper drain line as necessary.

The cooling system was operational at the time of inspection. The supply vent was sealed. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair/replace as necessary.

There were minor to moderate cracks in the basement foundation wall. These cracks should be sealed to prevent moisture intrusion and monitored for further movement. Further analysis by a licensed structural engineer is recommended. Axium recommends our premier partner – Level Engineering. They can be contacted at 720-706-8540 or online at www.axiuminspections.com/structural-engineer.

The splice/Junction box was missing a cover plate. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.