Have you or your client had a recent inspection and wondered how much the items in the report will cost to fix? If so, we’ve got great news for you! Axium has partnered with Repair Pricer, an AI-powered home repair cost calculator that can turn your home inspection report into a highly accurate, zip-code specific repair estimate in 24 hours or less.
Repair Pricer was born out of a partnership between an inspector, a Broker, and their contractor. The Broker would take his client’s home inspection reports to his contractor to price out repairs. The Broker would then use that information as a negotiation tool for clients during the closing process. Other realtors got wind of this system and wanted to provide the same service to their clients. It became so popular, the contractor didn’t have the bandwidth to keep up with the demand! Thus, a Repair Pricer team and pricing tool was built, and the rest is history…
How It Works
1 – Schedule an inspection with Axium and request a Repair Pricer report at the time of booking. Or, if you’ve had a recent inspection, or would like to purchase after receiving your inspection report, reach out to us at admin@axiuminspections.com or by phone at 720-740-2338.
2 – At the conclusion of the inspection, we will upload the completed inspection report and submit it to Repair Pricer.
3 – Information is first analyzed by AI, then reviewed by a human pricing expert.
4 – Receive your Repair Pricer report within 24 hours or less.
Repair Pricer staff performs rolling market surveys every day to get up-to-date labor and material costs for thousands of different repairs. This information is also compared with partner feedback from repair jobs and paired with information from tax records and permit history. Studies conducted with real-life reports have shown Repair Pricer reports to be 98% accurate.
The only people who will see your inspection report after it is uploaded are you and your Pricing Experts. We will NEVER share your inspection or Repair Pricer report with anyone other than you.
Use this information to negotiate like a pro. Or, simply use it as an information tool to prioritize repairs and budget for future repair work.
Axium is thrilled to offer this incredible service to our customers and Real Estate Partners. Click here for additional information and to see a sample report!