
Sample Commercial Short

Sub Heading - ACF



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2.2.1 Roof: Roof Covering – Alligatoring

The roof covering material has developed an “alligatored” look due to aging.   A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


2.2.2 Roof: Roof Covering – Bulging/Bubbling

The roof covering is bulged or bubbled in some areas, which may make it more susceptible to damage.  

Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


2.2.3 Roof: Roof Covering – Damaged/Deteriorated

The roof covering material was damaged/deteriorated in some areas.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


2.3.1 Roof: Flashing – Wall Flashing Damaged

Wall flashing was damaged. This may allow moisture intrusion of the exterior walls. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified roofing professional.


2.4.1 Roof: Roof Drainage Systems – Missing Downspout

Gutters were missing downspouts. Downspouts are necessary to direct water run-off through an extension that leads water 5ft away from the foundation.

Excessive moisture in soil supporting the foundation can affect its ability to support the weight of the structure above and may cause foundation damage from soil movement. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified roofing professional.


2.7.1 Roof: Masonry Chimney – Damage – Bricks

One or more bricks on the chimney stack were cracked, broken, or deteriorated at the time of inspection. 

A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified chimney contractor.


2.7.2 Roof: Masonry Chimney – Missing – Rain Cap

The chimney was missing a rain cap and/or spark arrestor. 

The rain cap covers the top opening of the chimney flue liner and is usually combined with a spark arrestor.

Spark arrestors are to prevent floating embers from a fire (particularly one burning wood) setting light to a flammable roofing surface or falling onto combustible material on the ground. Such a spark arrestor typically consists of a double layer of metal mesh, which catches the ember and allows the flue gas to escape. Spark arrestors also help prevent animals from entering the chimney.

Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and install the required components.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified chimney contractor.


3.2.1 Exterior: Walkways & Driveways – Heaving and/or Settling (exterior)

The walkways around the property showed signs of heaving and/or settling. Heaving is often caused by either soil which has expanded in volume in response to increases in soil moisture content, or by wet soil which has expanded as it has frozen. This is a trip hazard, and could result in injury. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified driveway contractor.


3.2.2 Exterior: Walkways & Driveways – Major Cracking – Driveway/parking lot (exterior)

There were signs of indications of major cracking at the driveway/parking lot. This condition could be a trip hazard. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified concrete contractor.


3.2.3 Exterior: Walkways & Driveways – Significant Cracking/deterioration – Walkways (exterior)

There were signs of major cracking and deterioration on the walkways around the property.  This condition could be a trip hazard. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified concrete contractor.


3.2.4 Exterior: Walkways & Driveways – damaged – Walkways (exterior)

There were signs of moderate cracking/loose bricks and deterioration on the walkways around the property. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified concrete contractor.


3.3.1 Exterior: Railings & Handrails – Missing – Handrails (exterior)

A stairway of more than 3 steps or drop of over 30″ was missing a handrail at several areas around the property. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.


Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


3.4.1 Exterior: Railings & Handrails 2 – Missing – guardrail (rear of the unit)

A walkway or drop of over 30″ was missing a handrail/guardrail at the rear of the unit. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.


Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


3.5.1 Exterior: Vegetation, Grading & Drainage – Negative Grading

The property had areas of neutral or negative drainage, which will route runoff from precipitation to the foundation.  Excessive moisture content in soil supporting the foundation can cause foundation and other structural damage from undermining, heaving or settling, depending on soil composition, moisture content and other conditions.The ground around the property should slope away from all sides, ideally 6 inches for the first 10 feet from the house foundation perimeter. Downspouts, surface gutters and drains should also be directing water away from the foundation. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified landscaping contractor


3.6.1 Exterior: Railings & Handrails 3 – Missing – guardrail (rear of the unit)

A balcony with a drop over 30″ was missing a guardrail. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.


Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


3.7.1 Exterior: Wall-Covering, Flashing & Trim – siding-Cracking and Movement (exterior)

Cracking as well as movement was present in the siding at the time of  inspection.  

Monitoring the masonry walls of the house is needed. Although masonry can deform elastically over long periods of time to accommodate small amounts of movement, large movements normally cause cracking. 

Cracking can result from a variety of problems: 

  • Differential settlement of the foundation
  • Drying shrinkage
  • Expansion and contraction due to ambient thermal and moisture variations
  • Improper support over openings
  • The effects of freeze-thaw cycles
  • The corrosion of iron and steel wall reinforcement
  • Differential movement between building materials; expansion of salts
  • The bulging or leaning of walls.

Recommend a qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


3.7.2 Exterior: Wall-Covering, Flashing & Trim – Seal Gaps at Intersections (exterior)

Gaps at intersections of the siding, trim, and door and window openings, as well as any other holes in the siding, should be sealed with an appropriate sealant to prevent water penetration into the wall system. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


3.9.1 Exterior: Exterior Doors – Gaps Around Door (exterior)

Several exterior entry doors had an opening that was too wide/damaged leaving a gap or daylight around the door.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified door repair/installation contractor.


3.10.1 Exterior: Electrical Fixtures – Defect – Electrical (exterior)

Observations/indications of an electrical defects at the exterior were noted. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make necessary repairs.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified electrical contractor.


3.10.2 Exterior: Electrical Fixtures – Missing – Covers (exterior)

Several exterior light fixtures or lights were missing covers. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


3.14.1 Exterior: Exterior Faucets (Hose Bibs) – hose bib-Loose in Wall (exterior)

One or more exterior faucet was loose/not properly mounted on the wall. The faucet should be securely fastened to the wall using appropriate screws depending on material at location of the faucet. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


3.14.2 Exterior: Exterior Faucets (Hose Bibs) – Hose bib-Significant Leak – In Wall (exterior)

The outside water faucet had a significant leak from the valve within the wall when the water pressure gauge was attached at the left side of the unit. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified plumbing contractor.


3.16.1 Exterior: Exterior Foundation Wall – Crack – Vertical (exterior)

The foundation had vertical cracks in areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


3.16.2 Exterior: Exterior Foundation Wall – Loose/Missing – Brick & Mortar (exterior)

The exterior foundation wall has brick and mortar that are loose or missing. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


3.17.1 Exterior: Exterior Vents – Missing Vent Cover (exterior)

One or more vent cover was missing. A missing vent assembly can allow entry of water, air, or rodents into vent ducts or home. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


3.18.1 Exterior: Roof Drainage System – Downspouts & Extensions – Missing – Downspouts (exterior)

Downspouts were missing in areas of property. This condition may cause problems by introducing excessive amounts of moisture to the soil beneath the foundation.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


3.19.1 Exterior: Additional Structures – Retaining walls damaged (exterior)

The exterior retaining walls were heavily damaged at several areas around the property. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


5.3.1 Attic, Insulation & Ventilation: Attic Moisture Intrusion – Water Intrusion – Structure

Visible signs of water intrusion in the attic are present on rafters, trusses, or roof decking. Water intrusion can lead to more costly repairs and increase damage if not corrected. The extent of intrusion or how often it occurs could not be determined. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


5.3.2 Attic, Insulation & Ventilation: Attic Moisture Intrusion – Water Intrusion – Vent Pipe

Visible signs of water intrusion in the attic are present on a vent pipe. Water intrusion can lead to more costly repairs and increase damage if not corrected. The extent of intrusion or how often it occurs could not be determined. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


5.6.1 Attic, Insulation & Ventilation: Electrical Wiring In Attic – Junction Box Missing Cover Plate

Splice/Junction box was missing a cover plate. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.2.1 Interior, Doors, Windows: Ceilings & Walls – Asbestos Ceiling

The property had ceiling materials that may contain asbestos. Ceiling tiles or popcorn texture were manufactured or installed using asbestos as late as the early 90s. 

In the past, asbestos fibers were added during the production to strengthen and increase durability. Materials that contain asbestos, when intact and in good condition, is generally considered non-friable and is not hazardous. Heat, water, weathering or aging can weaken asbestos materials to the point where it is considered friable. Friable material includes any material containing more than 1 percent asbestos that can be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder with hand pressure. This includes previously non-friable material which has been damaged to the extent that it may be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressure and can also be made friable during its removal. Friable materials can release asbestos fibers into the air. Once in the air, asbestos fibers present a health hazard to people who inhale those fibers.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.2.2 Interior, Doors, Windows: Ceilings & Walls – Damaged – Walls

The walls showed signs of minor damage and wear.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.2.3 Interior, Doors, Windows: Ceilings & Walls – Possible Mold

Evidence of a possible mold like substance was observed on the interior walls and/or ceilings.  We did not inspect, test or determine if this growth is or is not a health hazard. The underlying cause is moisture. It is recommended to consult a mold inspector or mold remediation specialist to determine if further action is needed. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified mold inspection professional.


6.2.4 Interior, Doors, Windows: Ceilings & Walls – Significant Cracking-Walls

Significant cracking was visible on the interior walls.  This may indicate a structural issue.  Further analysis by a structural engineer is recommended.  

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.3.1 Interior, Doors, Windows: Floors – Carpet Revealed A Seam (Ballroom )

The carpet revealed a seam.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.4.1 Interior, Doors, Windows: Doors – Missing – Strike Plate

The door was missing a strike plate at the door jamb.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.5.1 Interior, Doors, Windows: Windows – Damaged Sill

The window had a sill that was damaged. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.5.2 Interior, Doors, Windows: Windows – Nearing the End of Life Expectancy

All observed windows in the hotel appeared to be original and were either at or near their serviceable lifespan. Recommend further evaluation by a qualified contractor and budgeting for potential future replacement. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.5.3 Interior, Doors, Windows: Windows – Peeling Paint

The window had peeling paint.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.5.4 Interior, Doors, Windows: Windows – Sealant Damaged Around frame

Sealant was damage deteriorated around many windows. Recommend a qualified contractor repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.5.5 Interior, Doors, Windows: Windows – Water Penetration

Several window had signs of water penetration.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.6.1 Interior, Doors, Windows: Electrical Outlets – Obstructed – Outlet

An electrical outlet was obstructed with paint, debris or foreign object. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.7.1 Interior, Doors, Windows: Electrical Fixtures & Switches – Not Working – Bulb

One or more light bulb was not working at the time of inspection. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.7.2 Interior, Doors, Windows: Electrical Fixtures & Switches – Fan Wobbles

The ceiling fan wobbles when on and may need to be balanced.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.9.1 Interior, Doors, Windows: Smoke & CO Detectors – CO Detector Missing

Carbon monoxide detectors were not installed within a specified distance of each room lawfully used for sleeping purposes. The inspector recommends installation of carbon monoxide detectors in appropriate locations. Colorado House bill 1091 became effective on July 1, 2009 that requires Carbon Monoxide detectors to be installed in most properties that has a fuel-burning heater or appliance, a fireplace, or an attached garage.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.10.1 Interior, Doors, Windows: Installed Heat Source – Baseboard Heater Damaged

The baseboard heater was damaged.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


6.10.2 Interior, Doors, Windows: Installed Heat Source – No Heat Source

There was no heat source installed.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


7.5.1 Kitchen-North Suite: Faucets Fixtures – Spray Nozzle Loose

The spray nozzle was loose at the mount.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


8.6.1 Kitchen-South Suite: Drain Waste and Vent System – S Trap

The drain pipe at the sink had an “S” trap. Water filling the downstream vertical portion of the “S” trap will cause syphoning and loss of trap seals. Trap seals must be maintained to prevent sewer gases from entering the dwelling. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


8.13.1 Kitchen-South Suite: Refrigerator – Not Cooling Properly

The refrigerator/freezer was not cooling at proper temperatures.  It is recommended that a refrigerator cool around 38 degrees while a freezer cool around zero degrees.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


9.2.1 Kitchen-Main: Cabinets & Counters – Caulking – Backsplash

The counter top needs caulking with silicone along the back splash.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


9.2.2 Kitchen-Main: Cabinets & Counters – Moisture Damage

The sink base showed signs of moisture damage. A qualified contractor should evaluate then repair or replace as advised.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


9.3.1 Kitchen-Main: Electrical Outlets – No GFCI Protection

No ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection was provided for kitchen electrical outlets. Although GFCI protection of kitchen circuits may not have been required at the time of in which this property was built, as general knowledge of safe building practices has improved with the passage of time building standards have changed to reflect current understanding. The inspector recommends updating the existing bathroom electrical circuits to provide GFCI protection. This can be achieved by: 


1. Replacing the current standard outlets with GFCI outlets.

2.  Replacing the first circuit outlet located closest to the main electrical service panel with the GFCI outlet

3.  Replacing the breaker currently protecting the electrical circuit that contains these outlets with the GFC I breaker.

A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


9.5.1 Kitchen-Main: Faucets Fixtures – Spray Nozzle Not Working

The spray nozzle was not working at the time of the inspection. A qualified contractor should evaluate then repair or replace as advised.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


9.8.1 Kitchen-Main: Drain Waste and Vent System 2 – S Trap

The drain pipe at the sink had an “S” trap. Water filling the downstream vertical portion of the “S” trap will cause syphoning and loss of trap seals. Trap seals must be maintained to prevent sewer gases from entering the dwelling. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


9.10.1 Kitchen-Main: Water Supply Shutoff Valves 2 – Corroded

The water supply valve was corroded at the time of inspection.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


9.12.1 Kitchen-Main: Food Waste Disposer 2 – Leaks

The food waste disposer was leaking at the time of inspection.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


9.13.1 Kitchen-Main: Dishwasher – Drain Line Not Properly Installed

The dishwasher drain line was not properly installed and was lacking either an air gap or high loop.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


10.6.1 Garage: Door Opener – Not Operational – middle garage door (garage)

The middle garage door opener did not work when tested. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified garage door contractor.


10.7.1 Garage: Electrical Outlets & Fixtures – GFCI outlets Wouldn’t Reset (garage)

The tested GFCI outlets would not reset when tested. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified electrical contractor.


11.2.1 Bathroom: Exhaust Fan – Not Present – Fan Needed

There was not an exhaust fan in the bathroom/laundry areas. An exhaust fan or an openable window is needed for proper ventilation. 

Some bathroom designs may require installing an exhaust fan in addition to an openable window to achieve proper ventilation.  

A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.6.1 Bathroom: Drain Waste and Vent System – Clogged/Slow – Tub/Shower Drain

The tub/shower drain line was clogged or drains slowly. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.6.2 Bathroom: Drain Waste and Vent System – Flex

Flexible drain lines can clog, leak or fail.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.6.3 Bathroom: Drain Waste and Vent System – Leaking drain pipe (room # 8)

The sink drain pipe was leaking in room #8 at the time of inspection.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.6.4 Bathroom: Drain Waste and Vent System – Not Working – Sink Stopper

The drain stop did not work or did not hold water in the sink.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.6.5 Bathroom: Drain Waste and Vent System – S Trap

The drain pipe at the sink had an “S” trap. Water filling the downstream vertical portion of the “S” trap will cause syphoning and loss of trap seals. Trap seals must be maintained to prevent sewer gases from entering the dwelling. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.8.1 Bathroom: Plumbing Fixtures – Chipped – Tub

The bathtub finish was chipped or damaged.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.8.2 Bathroom: Plumbing Fixtures – Loose in Wall – Shower Arm

A shower supply arm was loose in the wall.  Over time, this could put added stress on the plumbing connections and develop a leak.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.8.3 Bathroom: Plumbing Fixtures – Leak – Shower Head

There was a leak at the shower head connection at the time of inspection. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.9.1 Bathroom: Toilets – Shutoff Valve Missing (room #8 )

The toilet was missing the shutoff valve at the water supply line in room #8.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.9.2 Bathroom: Toilets – Wrong Tank Lid

The toilet had a tank lid that doesn’t fit properly. A qualified contractor should evaluate then repair or replace as advised.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.10.1 Bathroom: Tub, Shower Area – Caulk – Corners and Floor

The tile was missing silicone caulking at the corners and/or floor. Caulking is needed at wall corners inside the shower, corners from tub to wall, and along the floor perimeter.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.10.2 Bathroom: Tub, Shower Area – Caulk – Tub Top

The tile was missing caulking or grout where the tile rests on the tub and/or at the inside corners. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.10.3 Bathroom: Tub, Shower Area – Crack – Shower Corner

The tile had a crack or gap in the caulking or grout at the inside corners.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified tile contractor


11.13.1 Bathroom: Installed Heat Source – No Heat

The baseboard heater/radiator supplied no detectable heat at the time of inspection.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary. 

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.15.1 Bathroom: Whirlpool/Jetted Bathtub – Not Functioning (South Suite )

Inspection of the Whirlpool jetted bathtub is beyond the scope of the property inspection. The bathtub was filled and turned on using normal operating controls as a courtesy to the client. The Jetted tub did not turn on and appeared to be inoperable at the time of inspection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


11.16.1 Bathroom: Ceiling and Floors – Damaged- Moisture Intrusion

Moisture intrusion is present on floors and ceilings. Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


12.1.1 Chimney, Fireplace, or Stove: Fireplaces Gas/LP – Fireplace Not Operational (South Suite )

The gas fireplace did not respond to available controls and was not operational. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


13.1.1 Heating: Heating System Information – boiler-Beyond Typical Life Expectancy (2004)

Due to the year of manufacture (2004), the heating system is assumed to be near the end of its expected service life. Regular maintenance and monitoring of its condition is recommended. Budgeting for repairs and future replacement is recommended. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.  InterNACHI’s Standard Estimate Life Expectancy Chart for Homes

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


13.6.1 Heating: Cabinet – Corroded, Rusted (boiler)

The heating system cabinet was corroded, rusted or damaged in some areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified HVAC professional.


13.11.1 Heating: Heating System Ignition & Operation – Heating System Not Operational

The heating system did not respond to demand for heat or did not function properly at the time of the inspection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified HVAC professional.


13.11.2 Heating: Heating System Ignition & Operation – Dirty (boiler)

The heating system did fire and appeared to be in serviceable condition at the time of the inspection. However, the interior of the cabinet was dirty. Cleaning, servicing and/or certification of the HVAC system by a qualified contractor is recommended and repaired or replaced as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified HVAC professional.


14.1.1 Laundry: Laundry Room Location – Not Latch or Lock

No lack or lock present. Recommend a qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


14.3.1 Laundry: Exhaust Fan – Fan Needed

There was no ventilation (exhaust fan or openable window) In the laundry area. Normally an exhaust fan or an openable window is needed for proper ventilation.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


15.2.1 Plumbing: Water Supply – Leaking – Main Supply Line (plumbing)

The main water supply line material is considered what enters the home from the city or well. A leak was present at a pipe connection or corroded area at the time of inspection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


15.3.1 Plumbing: Water Supply & Distribution Systems – Corrosion – Distribution Line (Meeting Room, Ball Room)

Some radiator distribution pipes were corroded at the valve.

A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


15.3.2 Plumbing: Water Supply & Distribution Systems – Ipex Kitec (plumbing)

Kitec plumbing products came under a general recall in 2005. The Kitec line of products  was identified as PEX-AL-PEX, PE-AL-PE, PERT-AL-PERT, PEX pipe, valves, fittings, and/or components as manufactured/distributed by IPEX and sold under other brands including but not limited to KITEC, PlumbBetter, IPEX AQUA, WarmRite, Kitec XPA, AmbioComfort, XPA, KERR Controls and Plomberie Améliorée. Many dwellings containing Kitec may be problem free. It has been suggested that piping found in residential use will surpass its warranty period without defect. However, there is an increased failure probability, of which many homeowners are unaware. Homeowners having Kitec product installed are encouraged to become informed and proceed by way of the avenues available to them. If doubt exists regarding an installed product contact a local certified plumber or supplier. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified plumbing contractor.


15.3.3 Plumbing: Water Supply & Distribution Systems – Disconnected plumbing (basement)

Several plumbing fixtures and or piping were disconnected in the basement area at the time of inspection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


15.5.1 Plumbing: Drain, Waste, & Vent Systems – Inadequate Support (plumbing)

Several drain lines were improperly supported at the time of inspection.  A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


15.9.1 Plumbing: Hot Water Systems, Controls, Flues & Vents 2 – Corrosion (water heater)

Corrosion was noted at the burn chamber or pipe fittings was present on the water heater at the time of inspection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified plumbing contractor.


15.10.1 Plumbing: Gas Piping – CSST (gas lines)

Observed gas supply lines in the property that are made of corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST). Nearby lightning strikes can result in an electrical surge that can potentially puncture a hole in CSST and cause a fire. Proper bonding will reduce the risk of damage and fire from a lightning strike. The extra bonding recommended was not observed at the time of the inspection. Recommend further analysis and repair by a licensed electrical contractor. For more information regarding CSST, visit http://www.csstsafety.com.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


16.3.1 Electrical: Distribution Panels – Missing – Circuit Labels (electrical panels)

The circuit labels were missing, partial, or illegible at the electrical distribution panel. The circuit labels provide information describing the locations each individual circuit breaker provides power to. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified electrical contractor.


16.3.2 Electrical: Distribution Panels – Screws Missing – Panel Covers (electrical panels)

Screws / fasteners were missing at the electrical panel covers in areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


16.7.1 Electrical: Electrical Wiring – Exposed Electrical Wires (Ballroom Sub Panel)

Exposed electrical wires were present in the sub panel. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified electrical contractor.


17.2.1 Structural Basement: Basement Floor Structure – Heaving & Settling of Concrete Floor (basement)

Indications of movement/settling of the concrete floor were present in the basement area. This may be a compromise the structural integrity of the foundation or structure of the house which only a qualified structural engineer could comment after further analysis. 

Recommend a qualified structural engineer inspect further and provide a professional opinion related to this observation.

Axium recommends our premier partner – Level Engineering. They can be contacted at 720-400-8148 or online at www.axiuminspections.com/structural-engineer.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified structural engineer.


17.2.2 Structural Basement: Basement Floor Structure – Deterioration-ceilings/sub floor (basement)

Indications of deterioration/past moisture damage was present on the  sub floor/ceilings in areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


17.3.1 Structural Basement: Foundation Wall – Active Water Intrusion (basement)

There were signs of active water penetration into the property at the time of inspection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


17.3.2 Structural Basement: Foundation Wall – Significant Cracks/movement (basement)

Significant cracks were observed at the basement foundation walls. Recommend sealing the cracks to prevent moisture intrusion. Further analysis by a licensed structural engineer is recommended. Axium recommends our premier partner – Level Engineering. They can be contacted at 720-400-8148 or online at www.axiuminspections.com/structural-engineer.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified structural engineer.


17.4.1 Structural Basement: Basement Interior Wall Structure – Basement Walls Not Floating (basement)

Basement walls were not constructed using a method which will allow for soil movement. This method is usually termed “floating” the walls and involves leaving a gap at the bottom of the wall so that vertical movement (heaving) of the concrete slab basement floor will not be transmitted to the rest of the property structure. Colorado has areas with expansive soils. Expansive soils are soils which increase to many times their original volume in response to increases in soil moisture content, creating forces which can easily damage property structural components such as foundations, floor slabs, flat work and interior and exterior wall coverings. Consider consulting with a qualified contractor before the expiration of your Inspection Objection Deadline to discuss options and costs for correction an/ or stabilization.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


17.5.1 Structural Basement: Moisture Intrusion – Moisture Intrusion (basement)

The visible areas of the basement showed signs of possible previous moisture intrusion and/or deterioration. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


17.5.2 Structural Basement: Moisture Intrusion – Possible Mold (basement)

Evidence of possible mold-like substance growth was observed in the basement. We did not inspect, test or determine if this growth is or is not a health hazard. The underlying cause is moisture. I recommend you contact a mold inspector or expert for investigation or correction if needed. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


17.6.1 Structural Basement: 1st Floor Structure & Supports – Supports Not Installed Current Standards (basement)

The structural supports did not appear to be installed in accordance with current construction standards. Further analysis by a licensed structural engineer is recommended. Axium recommends our premier partner – Level Engineering.  They can be contacted at 720-400-8148 or online at www.axiuminspections.com/structural-engineer

Recommendation: Contact a qualified structural engineer.


17.6.2 Structural Basement: 1st Floor Structure & Supports – Posts Not Level (basement)

Structural posts and/or beams are not plumb/level, and may not be providing the structural support as intended. Further analysis by a licensed structural engineer is recommended.  Axium recommends our premier partner – Level Engineering.  They can be contacted at 720-400-8148 or online at www.axiuminspections.com/structural-engineer/

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


17.6.3 Structural Basement: 1st Floor Structure & Supports – Improper Notch, Hole, or Cut (basement)

The floor structure or interior wall structure had cutting, notching and boring of framing members that may, present a structural or safety concern. 

Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed. 

  • Notches in solid lumber joists, rafters and beams can not be greater than 1/6th of the member’s depth, must not be longer than 1/3rd of the member depth, and must not be located in the middle 1/3rd of the span.
  • Notches at the ends must not exceed 1/4th the member depth.
  • The tension side of members 4 inches or greater in thickness must not be notched, except at the ends.
  • The diameter of holes bored or cut into members must not exceed 1/3rd the member depth.  
  • Holes must not be closer than 2 inches to the top or bottom of the member, or to any other hole located in the member. If the member is notched, the hole must not be closer than 2 inches to the notch.
  • Any “scab” boards sistered in place around the notch require proper sizing and fastening

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


17.6.4 Structural Basement: 1st Floor Structure & Supports – Signs of repair-ceiling structure (basement)

The ceiling/floor joists showed signs of repaired damage in areas. Further analysis by a licensed structural engineer is recommended. Axium recommends our premier partner – Level Engineering.  They can be contacted at 720-400-8148 or online at www.axiuminspections.com/structural-engineer

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


17.7.1 Structural Basement: Insulation – No Insulation (basement)

There is no insulation on the basement exterior walls or floor system. Heat loss can occur more on this property than one that is properly insulated. A qualified contractor should evaluate and install as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


17.8.1 Structural Basement: Vapor Barriers – Vapor Barrier Not Installed (basement)

A vapor barrier was not installed in the basement at the time of the inspection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and install as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.


17.9.1 Structural Basement: Electrical in Basement – Loose Wire End/Splice (basement)

A loose wire end and/or splice was located at several areas in the basement area. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified electrical contractor.


17.9.2 Structural Basement: Electrical in Basement – Junction Boxes Missing Cover Plates (basement)

Splice/Junction box were missing cover plates at several areas in the basement area. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified electrical contractor.


17.9.3 Structural Basement: Electrical in Basement – Exposed Electrical Splices/wiring (basement)

Exposed electrical conductor splices or wiring were present in the basement area in several areas and need repaired or need to be installed inside a junction box with cover plate. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified electrical contractor.


17.10.1 Structural Basement: Plumbing in Basement – Basement Plumbing Leak

There were signs of an active leak in the plumbing system of the basement. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified plumbing contractor.


17.10.2 Structural Basement: Plumbing in Basement – wires-Loose not properly secured (basement)

Several wires or wire connections’ were loose/not properly secured in the basement area. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.

Recommendation: Contact a qualified professional.

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