
Wood Destroying Organism Inspections

Termites Alone Cause More Property Damage Annually Than Fires, Floods, and Earthquakes Combined.

Get Your Home or Commercial Property Inspected Today!

A wood destroying organism (WDO) inspection is a written report on a home or property with visible and accessible evidence of an infestation or damage by wood destroying organisms. Usually this means subterranean or dry wood termites, but will also cover wood destroying beetles and wood destroying fungi.

There are many steps you can take towards preventing infestation if you know what termites are looking for. Termites are ground insects that look for habitats that provide food, moisture, and shelter close to the ground: any moist place where wood meets ground. Correcting this situation may require regrading to separate soil from any wood. Since mulch and many other landscaping materials cause the soil to remain moist, you should make sure to minimize mulching around your foundation. Some experts recommend mulching no closer than a foot from your home’s foundation. You should also stack your firewood away from your home and you should also make sure to eliminate any moisture problems in and around your home, especially in basements and crawlspaces.

A wood destroying organism report will include the following:


Live termites or other wood destroying organisms – evidence of infestation by termites or other wood destroying organisms.


Damage by termites or other wood destroying organisms.


Previous treatment for termites or other wood destroying organisms if evidence exists.


The inspector must report the common name of the wood destroying organism identified and the location of the evidence.

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